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OSHA Withdraws its Proposed Column for MSDS on a Temporary Basis

OSHA Withdraws its Proposed Column for MSDS on a Temporary Basis
OSHA recently announced that it has withdrawn its proposal to restore a column for work related musculoskeletal disorders on employer injury and illness logs on a temporary basis. The federal agency has taken this step with a view of seeking maximum input from all small businesses on the impact the proposal will have on them. This will be done through outreach in partnership with the U.S. Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy.

As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Material Safety Data Sheets accounted for around 28 per cent of all the reported workplace injuries and illnesses in the year 2009. This proposed rule will not alter the existing requirements of when and under what circumstances the employers should record MSDS on their illness and injury logs. Although a large number of employers are supposed to maintain these logs, many of the small business owners are not required to keep these records.

The federal agency and the U.S Small Business Administration's Office of Advocacy will hold a meeting to discuss the issues with small businesses related to the proposal made by the agency. Businesses all around the world will be able to participate in this conference through electronic means.
