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OSHA Safety Program To Protect Federal Workers

OSHA Safety Program To Protect Federal Workers
OSHA's Federal Agency Targeting Inspection Program 2010 (FEDTARG10) is targeting hazardous federal work sites lately. The OSHA safety program emphasizes work site safety for federal workers and contractors as supervised by federal personal.

The FEDTARG10 focuses on the most dangerous federal agency work sites that has experienced a high number of lost time injuries during 2009 fiscal. Some high hazard federal work sites was inspected by field inspectors and from that found out 336 OSHA safety and health standard violations. The top three OSHA standards were respiratory protection, electrical and hazard communications. The number of violations cited were doubled the number cited in 2008 that indicates the necessity for the FEDERATE program.

David Michaela, Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA, said that the right to safe and healthful working environment is not limited to private industry employees only but those people working for the federal government as well. Targeting the federal workplaces continuing will only ensure consistent work site safety standards in both federal and private sectors.

Under the OSHA Act of 1970, the employers of an organization are responsible for the safety and health of the workers. OSHA safety training has been a measure for allotting safe and healthy work sites for the workers. With OSHA safety training program, the number of injuries and illness will reduce in both federal and private sectors.
