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Can 10 Hour OSHA Course help the workers

Can 10 Hour OSHA Course help the workers
OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), the federal agency in the Department of Labor of US ensures the safety and healthy working environment. It has struggled a lot for reducing the death rate, accidents, and work related diseases. OSHA has regulated many standards for the betterment of workers and working environments. It conducts inspections to ensure the requirements of the employers and also the employees. OSHA provides two types of courses: 10 Hour OSHA Courses and 30 Hour OSHA Courses 10 Hour OSHA Courses are divided into two different types:

• General Industry Course and
• Construction Industry Course

The 10-hour OSHA General Industry Course provides training program for the general industry workers that help them recognizing preventive hazards on a general industry site. The course includes the policies, standards and processes and also the general industry safety and health principles required by OSHA. OSHA 10 hour course teaches the employers and employees about the purpose of OSH Act and the functions of OSHA. How the OSHA inspection is done, rights and responsibilities of employers and employees, requirements for special purpose equipments, general requirements for general safety standards, basic requirements for proper aisle- all these are taught in OSHA 10 hour general industry course.

OSHA 10 hour Construction Industry Course provides the general awareness to new construction workers. T he course helps the workers to recognize the preventive hazards of a construction site. This course is an orientation training program intended to occupational safety and health for workers. The course teaches the purpose of OSHA Act, the OSHA inspection process, OSHA requirements for employers and employees and guidelines for fire protection and floor opening.

As seen above, the 10 hour OSHA course has covered a vast area of information and knowledge that can help the workers definitely.
