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OSHA meetings in Chicago to address workplace hazards on combustible dust

OSHA meetings in Chicago to address workplace hazards on combustible dust
OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration) the main federal agency of U.S. Department of Labor's has scheduled informal stakeholder meetings in Chicago. The objective of this meeting is to continue soliciting comments and suggestions for protecting workers from combustible dust hazards in the workplace. It has been recorded that combustible dust explosions have taken 130 workers life and more than 780 workers have injured since 1980.

The Chicago meeting is going to be held on 21 April 2010. There is great need of this series of meetings as the comments of the participants will be considered by OSHA to develop a proposed standard for combustible dust. Combustible dust is defined as, ”solids ground into fine particles, fibers, chips, chunks or flakes that can cause a fire or explosion when suspended in air under certain conditions. Types of dusts include metal (aluminum and magnesium), wood, plastic or rubber, coal, flour, sugar and paper, among others.”

This combustible dust can take life and bring different kind of severe physical problems to the workers who experience such dust frequently at their working place. So, there is importance of the Chicago meetings that are going to be held soon. The interested individuals will have to register by April 7 to participate in the meeting.

This is a great chance to protect the workers from the deadly effect of the combustible dust and people should participate in the meeting for the well being of the workers. OSHA has contributed a lot for the workers' safety and health and such meetings organized by them will really progress health and safety measures at working place.
