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OSHA Targets Inspection Program for Federal Workers

OSHA Targets Inspection Program for Federal Workers
OSHA has updated its Federal Agency Targeting Inspection Program directive recently for the year 2011. This directive aims to direct programmed inspections of federal agency establishments, which experienced high level of lost time injuries.

This directive outlines the procedures of how the programmed inspections can be carried out at some of the most hazardous work sites. All establishments who reports 100 or more lost times cases during the year 2010 will be inspected by OSHA. Again 50% of those establishment who reports 50 to 99 lost time cases and 10% of those with 20 to 40 lost time cases.

Some of the changes that you will see in this directives are definition of “lost time case” to mean an employee who loses time from work far beyond the date of the injury. Other changes seen are updated OSHA recordkeeping violation policy and direction for the inspection of federal work site with various operations.

The Federal Agency Targeting Inspection Program began to operate in 2008 while responding to a Government Accountability Office audit report, which recommended that the agency should develop a targeted inspection program for the federal work sites.

OSHA has the authority to conduct an unannounced inspection of agency work sites when the Secretary deems it’s necessary if an organization doesn’t have occupational safety and health committees or respond to the reports of unsafe or unhealthy working environment.
