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Cal-OSHA has Launched a Formal Investigation On Larry Flynt Productions

Cal-OSHA has Launched a Formal Investigation On Larry Flynt Productions
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation of Los Angeles has recently learned that the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health, has launched a formal investigation on Larry Flynt Productions.

Cal-OSHA is the state’s workplace safety and healthy regulatory and watchdog organization. Whereas, LPF or Larry Flynt Productions, is also know as the adult entertainment empire that's headed by Larry Flynt.

This formal investigation was launched after OSHA investigators had visited Flynt’s corporate headquarters, which are located in Beverly Hills. Furthermore, in August 2010, a formal ‘Notice of Safety or Health Hazards’ complaint was filed by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.

This complaint stated that Flynt's films demonstrate life-threatening and unsafe behavior. But more importantly, AHF supported their claims by submitting more than a 100 Flynt Productions adult DVDs.

Michael Weinstein, The President of AIDS Healthcare Foundation, has this to say about Larry Flynt and his Adult entertainment empire, “Larry Flynt is quite outspoken in his strenuous opposition to condom use in his adult film productions. That is why we filed additional workplace health and safety complaints with Cal/OSHA in August to press for the enforcement of state workplace regulatory guidelines which would require the use of condoms in his, and all adult films produced in California.”
