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OSHA Investigates Death of Minnesota Power Worker

An probe has been launched by OSHA, in order to investigate the death of a worker, at the Minnesota Power facility, which is under construction in Schroeder.

The Minnesota OSHA investigator was sent to the scene,to study and determine whether any lurking workplace hazards contributed to the power worker's death.

An OSHA spokesman, Mr. James Honerman, said that, “We will be working with the employer on-site to piece together what happened,” he further went on to say that, “We’re working with Minnesota Power to determine what events were going on at the work site, the scope of the activity and whether any safety and health training may have been given to employees,”

Mr.Honerman, also applauded the Minnesota Power facility, for having a good track record with OSHA. He even stated that, “They’ve been working with us for years to go beyond basic OSHA standards to prevent job-related illnesses and accidents at all their work sites.”

In accordance to the Cook County Sheriff’s Department, the power worker's body was found by a man who had come to the site to pick up a machine. It was then that he found, Kyle Damberg lying on the ground, completely unconscious and lifeless.

The Minnesota Power facility, was the third of 40 companies in the state to win a MNSTAR award for workplace safety in the last decade.
