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Eye Protection While At Work: Tips From Defog It Antifog During National Healthy Vision Month 2010

Eye Protection While At Work: Tips From Defog It Antifog During National Healthy Vision Month 2010
Each year there are nearly 800,000 work-related eye injuries, resulting in approximately 2,000 workers receiving some form of medical treatment every day. Because 90% of eye injuries are preventable, Defog It antifog is promoting Healthy Vision Month 2010 with workplace eye safety tips.

There are various statistics that emphasize the costs of workplace eye injuries to companies, individuals and society and the need for vigilance about eye safety.
  • According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics about $924 million in workers' compensation payments were made in a recent year.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics further adds; almost $4 billion in wages and productivity were lost in a recent year.
  • Approximately 60% of workers suffered from eye injuries were not wearing proper protective eye wear.
  • Vision loss is among one of the top ten workers disabilities.
  • In recent years, mining,construction and manufacturing have had the highest incidence of eye injuries.
Jodi Groh, Director of Marketing for Nanofilm, maker of Defog It antifog towelettes and liquid says "Even though the Occupational Safety and Health Administration now mandates protective eye wear in many workplace situations, companies and individuals need ideas like these to help employees make a habit of wearing safety glasses 100% of the time,"

Here are given some workplace eye wear safety tips to help prevent eye injuries:
  • Review the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards for your work type. Do you provide the correct standard of protection for each work area? For example, do workers require safety glasses with side shields? Or a face mask over eye wear?
  • Provide multiple styles of protective eye wear.
  • Ensure your fogged eye wear isn't a problem.
  • Check the fit of eye wear.
  • Plan an eye wear safety program.
There are several types online OSHA safety courses available today. By enrolling into the courses you can protect yourself from any type of injuries, accidents and illness at your workplace.
