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OSHA Takes Major Role For Workers Safety During Oil Spill Response And Clean Up Operation

OSHA Takes Major Role For Workers Safety During Oil Spill Response And Clean Up Operation
Hazards at oil spill site has become a sensitive issue as the effect of oil spill has been seen spreading more and more. It has become a threat to the workers who are involved with oil spill response and clean up operation. But the hazards are not the same in all the affected areas. Somewhere there are less hazards and somewhere the situation is very horrible. So, what kind of hazards are there in the work site will depend on the location and type of job that the workers will have to do. More to that, workers at oil spill locations will experience many kind of hazards as they will expect to work in heat, in swamps, to use boat, walk on slippery, wildlife danger, controlling and using heavy equipment and many more.

To involve in the actual cleanup, the workers must have to get at least 4 hour safety training regarding the hazards at the site and any kind of possible hazards that the cleanup operation may carry out. BP requires this training to be provided for the workers otherwise it will be a violation of OSHA rules. Now the workers at oil spill response and clean up operation are covered by OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response standard (1910.120 and 1926.65). According to this standard, the workers must be equipped with protective equipment and special training. The workers will be trained by the personnel who have received extensive training.

OSHA provides safety training for all the workers who are involved in this oil spill clean up operation and ensures the safety and the health of the workers. This OSHA safety training is a mandate for all the workers and PB is responsible to provide it.
